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CLAVES Publications & Dissemination

CLAVES is a long-term research and development effort focused on multilingual literacy and learners. CLAVES 1.0 began in 2009 with longitudinal studies of language and literacy development among 2nd - 5th grade children. Using results from those studies, we received continuation funding in 2014 for CLAVES 2.0, which we used to develop a 3-unit curriculum that we field tested in the 2016 - 2017 school year. Our current effort is CLAVES 3.0, a pair of projects in which we are revising the CLAVES curriculum for: 1) scale-up implementation in Northern California; and 2) using CLAVES as an instructional standard of care to investigate different types of grouping on literacy outcomes in metro New York.


See below for links to selected publications from the CLAVES program of research.

CLAVES 1.0 Selected Publications

The role of vocabulary depth in predicting reading comprehension among English monolingual

and Spanish–English bilingual children in elementary school. Reading and Writing (2012).

Examining the role of vocabulary depth, cross-linguistic transfer, and types of reading measures on the reading comprehension of Latino bilinguals in elementary school. Reading and Writing (2013).

Teachers’ instruction and students’ vocabulary and comprehension: An exploratory study with English monolingual and Spanish–English bilingual students in grades 3–5. Reading Research Quarterly (2014).

Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? Modeling the contributions of language

comprehension skills to reading comprehension in the upper elementary grades. Scientific Studies of Reading (2016).

Linguistic interdependence between Spanish language and English language and reading: A longitudinal exploration from second through fifth grade. Bilingual Research Journal (2017).

CLAVES 2.0 Selected Publications

The effect of a language and literacy intervention on upper elementary bilingual

students’ argument writing. Elementary School Journal (in press).

CLAVES 2.0 Lesson Plans

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